Why The Brazilian Butt Lift Is A More Natural Way To A Shapelier Buttocks

If you’ve been trying to plump up your backside through diet and exercise without seeing much progress, you are not alone. In fact, achieving the round butt shape that is popular among celebrities, influencers, and fitness models is virtually impossible for most people to do without a little extra help. While glute implants can certainly be an effective solution, many men and women prefer a less invasive and more natural butt augmentation alternative. For these patients, board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Cory A. Gaiser is proud to offer minimally invasive Brazilian butt lift treatment using the revolutionary BeautiFill system at New Body Aesthetics in Cincinnati, OH. Keep reading to learn more about the unique benefits of laser lipo and butt fat transfer with BeautiFill.
What is BBL?
Brazilian butt lift surgery, also known as BBL, is a groundbreaking body contouring procedure that offers men and women the opportunity to augment and reshape their buttocks without the need for synthetic implants or fillers. Instead, BBL is performed using a patient’s own fat, which is harvested via liposuction and then transferred to the butt. Many patients prefer the more natural approach of BBL vs. glute implants. At New Body Aesthetics, Dr. Gaiser performs BBL using the popular BeautiFill laser liposuction and fat transfer technology, which offers an added set of benefits.
How does BBL with BeautiFill work?
The BeautiFill laser liposuction and fat transfer system makes BBL surgery easier, more comfortable, and more convenient than ever before. In fact, BeautiFill allows patients to undergo BBL without the need for general anesthesia. Instead, local anesthesia is used to numb the area. Dr. Gaiser will then make a tiny incision, and a thin tube will be inserted beneath the skin. This cannula delivers specialized laser energy to the fat cells, causing them to dislodge for easy removal. The BeautiFill system then works to suction, purify, and prepare the fat cells for transfer in a single step. Finally, Dr. Gaiser uses a combination of skill, strategy, and artistry to inject the fat cells into the buttocks for a stunning new shape and contour.
What are the benefits of using BeautiFill for a Brazilian butt lift?
Not only does BBL offer a more natural alternative to butt augmentation with implants or fillers, but using BeautiFill for a BBL takes things one step further. Some of the most compelling benefits of BBL with laser lipo compared to traditional BBL include:
- No general anesthesia required
- Less damage to the surrounding tissues
- Less postoperative swelling
- Shorter BBL recovery period
- Purer, more uniform fat cells for transfer
- More reliable results (extremely low rate of cell death)
- No synthetic implants or fillers required
Do I qualify for BBL?
During your initial consultation, Dr. Gaiser will discuss your concerns, evaluate your overall health, and listen to your goals in order to determine whether BBL with BeautiFill is right for you. Ideal candidates for the procedure should be:
- In good health
- Nonsmokers
- Have enough fat available for transfer
- Desire a more natural butt enhancement solution
Get the natural, sexy, celebrity butt you’ve always wanted with Brazilian butt lift in Cincinnati, OH
If you’re frustrated by your flat butt and want to enhance your curves without artificial implants, you may be excited to learn about Brazilian butt lift surgery with BeautiFill laser lipo technology. To find out what incredible results may be possible for you with BBL in Cincinnati, OH, call New Body Aesthetics to schedule your private consultation with award-winning board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Cory A. Gaiser today!